No Going BackI went into the studio intending to do a piece just for myself. Most of my work is that way, but this piece was to be just for me. I wanted to work with grays and mixed alizarin crimson and phthalo green as it makes a very pleasing value. I then wanted to see pink and gray stripes. And so the painting began. I just responded to what appeared and then pushed it further. A space appeared between what became two houses and I knew a dog needed to be there. I worked in charcoal, some watercolour sticks (Daniel Smith and Winsor Newton) and acrylics. I applied/threw paint by brush, hand and cardboard and employed sgraffito technique with sharp-edged blades and piercing tools. This is the result "No Going Back" 10" x 10" original acrylic on canvas, artist Gwen Duda, © 2016