"After First Blush" 12" x 12" Original Acrylic with Charcoal on Paper - 2019
Dancing in colours of spring yellow, watermelon pinks and tender, summer sky blues this original 12 x 12 inch abstract acrylic with charcoal painting on paper will add zest and joy to any space it inhabits. I approach the paper without any preconceived idea, just a feeling to create and do so without hesitation. This was the result. A vibrant, joyous and dramatic mini-explosion of colour!
In order to receive a FREE painting/print, you must be a current collector - meaning that you have already bought work valued at over $100.00. If you haven't you can buy works during this sale that total over $100.00 and then select any one FREE painting of your choosing.
If you are in Toronto or surrounding vicinity you may come pick up this painting to save on shipping. After purchase contact me at 416.858.3721